Rauland Australia

Concentric Care

Reach Duress

Ensure Staff Safety with Advanced Duress Alarm Systems

Immediate assistance and support in emergency situations

Concentric Care Reach Duress is a solution designed to meet the safety and security needs of healthcare professionals and other staff members working in a care environment. It supports rapid and efficient response to emergency situations via single-touch duress alarm activation, continuous monitoring and optimised location accuracy and tracking.


Quiet environment

Reach Duress allows staff to send a duress alert silently, without creating excessive noise that may trigger aggression or cause the event to escalate. Staff receive reassurance that the alert has been raised making them feel safe and aware that help is on its way.

Improved Outcomes


Improve staff safety and response times

Reach Duress can be integrated with Concentric Care Insight to provide care teams and management a holistic view of incidents, monitor status of all events and responses to enable effective post-incident analysis and drive improvements in duress response over time.


Mobile duress technology provides a layer of protection to healthcare workers so they can work with confidence, knowing that should anything happen they have the support they need.

Dr Vickie Knight

Clinical Services Executive at Rauland Australia

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