Rauland Australia

Concentric Care

Pinpoint - Aged Care

Simple location-aware solutions for resident care and staff safety

Create a safe, non-intrusive home environment with accurate location services

Concentric Care Pinpoint offers greater resident assistance and staff safety within an aged care facility via BLE real-time location systems (RTLS). Pinpoint provides care teams with high accuracy and confidence to locate events to room level, informing carers where help is needed and to prevent resident wandering and support safety.

NAO Blue Listener collects
data from BLE tags events
sent through to NAO cloud

NAO Blue Listener collects data from BLE tags events sent through to NAO cloud

Reduce stress, increase accuracy

Vantage Intervention guides rapid response teams to follow intervention guidelines
precisely and obtain detailed event documentation automatically and accurately, to
reduce outcome variability, stress and bring confidence to the emergency teams.

Reduce stress, increase accuracy

Vantage Intervention guides rapid response teams to follow intervention guidelines precisely and obtain detailed event documentation automatically and accurately, to reduce outcome variability, stress and bring confidence to the emergency teams.


Resident and staff safety

In aged care facilities, accidents or duress events can happen quickly and unexpectedly. By providing care teams with accurate location details with Pinpoint’s RTLS solutions, they are empowered to respond quickly to assist, improving the safety of residents and staff alike.

Improved Outcomes


Greater mobility

Using Pinpoint alongside clinical mobile devices gives aged care facilities more mobility in rendering care. Functions typically provided by pagers, dedicated duress tags, tablets and more can now be consolidated into a single mobile solution that enhances operational efficiency and staff satisfaction.

Schedule a demo

Contact us today to learn more about our healthcare technology solutions.

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