Rauland Australia

Nurse receiving emergency nurse call notification on clinical mobile device

Centralise Critical Communication for Coordinated Care and Safety

Concentric Care

Safeguard personal safety and care through coordinated communication

Concentric Care Reach is a multi-disciplinary critical communication solution that allows for greater support, collaboration and instils confidence in teams to remain connected and informed at the right time.

Reach Duress process flow

Reach for Messaging, Communication & Duress

Reach Duress

Immediate assistance and support in duress events to enhance staff safety

Reach Messaging

Efficient, coordinated critical communication that keeps staff connected and informed

Critical messaging at the right time
for the right person

Reach is a multi-disciplinary messaging solution where staff can communicate with each other and care receivers.

It has innovative location based personal safety and mobile duress capabilities, while also providing centralised
access to Electronic Medical Records, data entry/retrieval, communication,
notifications and more.

Reach features


Location based technology for tracking, alerting and safeguarding a team member calling for assistance in a duress event.

  • Clear, concise event information with regular updates

  • Response team coordination for timely assistance 

  • Accurate detection and updates of location to event responders as event evolves

  • Pop up notifications for new events, event location updates or status changes


Event communication and notification workflow management.

  • Trigger customisable notifications via audio or banners with different tones and colours depending on the urgency / priority of the particular event

  • Notifications for site exits, reminding staff to leave device onsite


Automated, dynamic message orchestration via mobile devices.

  • Receipt and management of system messages and tasks

  • Real time messages and notifications about patient alarm, nursing staff and building management events

  • Alerts of events that are still active and need to be actioned, versus which events have been completed

  • View on the mobile app previously actioned and completed events

Task management

Easy to manage priorities associated with dynamic environments, especially high priority events.

Auto staff presence

Automated staff location identification facilitated by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based location systems. This allows identification of staff in room, care time per staff member, instant cancellation of any nurse call activity once in room.

Reach features


Location based technology for tracking, alerting and safeguarding a team member calling for assistance in a duress event.

  • Clear, concise event information with regular updates

  • Response team coordination for timely assistance 

  • Accurate detection and updates of location to event responders as event evolves

  • Pop up notifications for new events, event location updates or status changes

Nurse call notifications from Reach App on clinical mobile device


Event communication and notification workflow management.

  • Trigger customisable notifications via audio or banners with different tones and colours depending on the urgency / priority of the particular event

  • Notifications for site exits, reminding staff to leave device onsite

Nurse call notifications on Reach Messaging application


Automated, dynamic message orchestration via mobile devices.

  • Receipt and management of system messages and tasks

  • Real time messages and notifications about patient alarm, nursing staff and building management events

  • Alerts of events that are still active and need to be actioned, versus which events have been completed

  • View on the mobile app previously actioned and completed events

Nurse call notifications on clinical mobile device

Task management

Easy to manage priorities associated with dynamic environments, especially high priority events.

Auto-staff presence on clinical mobile device

Auto staff presence

Automated staff location identification facilitated by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based location systems. This allows identification of staff in room, care time per staff member, instant cancellation of any nurse call activity once in room.


Safeguarding attendance

With automated escalation processes, Reach ensures a rapid, coordinated and informed response, prioritising the outcome of timely event attendance.

Action with accountability

Reach enables those involved to collaborate and provides increased confidence, knowing any event has been communicated, received and is being actioned.

Improved Outcomes


Single device strategy

Eliminate the need for staff to carry multiple devices at the same time to enhance efficiency and staff satisfaction.
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Healthcare Professionals Need Protection In The Home

The need to protect nurses and physicians in home environments has accelerated as a direct result of disruptions caused by COVID 19, an increase in mental health issues and the push to keep elderly people living at home longer. More and more healthcare workers are calling for devices that can protect them in the home such as mobile duress. Duress needs to be mobile as workers may not be able to reach fixed alarms and responders don’t know where they are if they move. The concept of ‘hospital in the home’ or virtual care has gained traction and will only accelerate in future years.

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